Calle Tomas Miller esquina Isla de Cuba - dentro del SPAR S/N, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35007


Que hacemos?
Bienvenidos a The Black Pork Company 
Restaurante dedicado principalmente a la venta de bocadillos variados con recetas de primer orden.

Alguno de nuestros productos estrella:

1.- Bocadillo "Tierra Magra" de secreto ibérico, ganador Madrid Fusión al mejor bocadillo de autor de España.

2.- Hamburguesa de cochino negro canario con queso y chorizo de teror.

3.- Bocadillo de pata asada canaria elaborada en horno artesano de piedra volcánica con queso y alioli.

Welcome to The Black Pork Company

The Black PorK Company, a disruptive tech restaurant company who mainly sell premiun sandwiches, some of them prepared with iberíco pork meats & hams from Spain.

The Black Pork Company is seeking partnerships with business owners worldwide in the following industries who could be interested to develop The Black Pork brand:

1.- Restaurant chain owners & companies / Free standing
2.- Airport/port restaurant businesses
3.- Catering to airlines 

In terms of gastronomy - meat products, ibérico hams and first-class chefs - Spain is a country highly appreciated throughout the world. We are Spanish and by having mixed our gastronomy with technology, we have created The Black Pork Company, a unique company that aims to bring the best of our products to all corners of the world.

Our brand is registered in Spain, HK, China and USA.
